DYSART ET AL M-F 8:30am-4:30pm building@dysartetal.ca
KARL KORPELA, CBO | EXT 627 | kkorpela@dysartetal.ca
BRI QUINN, Inspector | EXT 636 | bquinn@dysartetal.ca
JESSE DILLON, Inspector | EXT 660 | jdIllon@dysartetal.ca
NOELLA FLOYD, Permit Clerk | EXT 658 | nfloyd@dysartetal.ca
MINDEN HILLS M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
COLIN McKNIGHT, CBO | EXT 510 | cmcknight@mindenhills.ca
DONNA SISSON, Clerical Assistant | EXT 509 | dsisson@mindenhills.ca
PAULA INGRAM, Permit Clerk | EXT 511 | pingram@mindenhills.ca
DARRYL TIGHE, Sr. Planner | 705-742-2297 EXT 278 | dtighe@mindenhills.ca
AMANDA DOUGHERTY, Sr. Planner | 705-742-2297 | EXT 278
DAVID ROGERS, CBO | EXT 326 | drogers@algonquinhighlands.ca
GREG MOORE, DCBO | EXT 330 | gmoore@algonquinhighlands.ca
SEAN O’CALLAGHAN, Planner | EXT 324 | socallaghan@algonquinhighlands.ca
HIGHLANDS EAST M-F 9:00am-4:30pm
LAURIE DEVOLIN, CBO | EXT 440 | ldevolin@highlandseast.ca
ANDREW JACK, Inspector | EXT 442 | ajack@highlandseast.ca
TRACEY EVANS, Admin. Assistant | EXT 441 | tevans@highlandseast.ca
ARLENE QUINN, Septic inspector | EXT 443 | aquinn@highlandseast.ca
Bylaws are passed by local governments essentially to control development. You may be concerned about the zoning restrictions of your property, the setbacks from your neighbour or the shoreline , the height or size restrictions of a building, or maybe the allowed uses of the property.
Municipality of Dysart et al
Township of Minden Hills
Township of Algonquin Highlands
Township of Highlands East
Septic inspections are now done by the respective municipalities.
Minden Office (705) 286-1521
Bell Canada Customer Service 310-2355
Hydro One Customer Service (705) 286-2031
Fire Coordination Office- MNR Haliburton (705) 457-2107
Haliburton County Registration Office- Minden (705) 286-1391
The Province of Ontario has a certification program for Designers. Any plan submitted for a building permit must be certified. Not only is the firm (Emmerson Lumber) certified, our designers must also take extensive courses to be qualified. Each is issued a BCIN number and it will appear on all final sets of drawings. We can also do small commercial buildings.
Feel free to contact a member of the design staff by clicking on the link below: